Michael Baigent

Initiation: Returning to Our Roots

NOA Community Centre (Ferry Centre)
Summertown, Oxford

(click for map etc.)

Initiation lies at the heart of our Judaeo-Christian tradition yet we have forgotten this fact in the rush for knowledge learned rather than experienced. The perennial question at the heart of religions is that of the relationship between the One and the Many. This talk will look at the use of symbols not only to represent the relationship between the two - heaven and earth - but also to actively mediate between them. In other words, to lead us to an initiatory experience through which the underlying reality of our world might be perceived directly. As the great Persian Sufi Rumi wrote: "Jars of springwater are no longer enough; take us down the river."

Michael Baigent has written and co-authored a great many books, a number of which have been international best-sellers, notably The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, and The Elixir and the Stone. No stranger to controversy, his forthcoming book The Jesus Papers (due to be published shortly in the United States) looks at the experiential mysticism which lies at the origin of Christianity. Born in New Zealand, Michael has lived in England since 1976 and is currently editor of Freemasonry Today.

£6.00 (Friends £3.00)